It is not the Gospel. It is Poison

(He called you through our Gospel, so that you may obtain and share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ-2 Thes 2:14- Amplified Bible)

Beloved! We have been Invited to fellowship with our Glorious God through the Gospel

Which Gospel?

"God will wipe away your tears, He will take away your burdens, He will free you from financial bondage,Your debts will be cleared, Your sick bed will be rolled away. If you had Invited the Lord Jesus to come into your heart today, you have been saved..." Will the Gospel that we preach/hear today take a man to share and obtain the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ? or Will it make man to love the world more and more?Jesus commissioned us to Preach the Gospel and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) Is the modern day preaching capable of making disciples out of those who accept Jesus Christ?
Were the Apostles persecuted and martyred for preaching this Gospel?

Sinners cried and repented with a contrite heart when they heard the Gospel message through John Wesley and Charles Finney. Many who were saved by their preaching became faithful missionaries for God and shone for our Lord. Did John Wesley and Charles Finney present this "God will wipe away your tears, He will take away your burdens Gospel?"  Those sinners were convicted of their sins and they pleaded for repentance with tears. Today,Evangelists present a salt-less Gospel and plead to the sinners to accept Jesus. Pity state of Christendom.

Any Gospel that doesn't convict the hearers of the wages of sin and the matchless sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the Devil's "Sweet False Gospel". This Sweet False Gospel might induce a change of mind; it might even induce a change in Religion, but it could never bring Salvation (Born again Experience). It is not the Gospel. It is Poison. Today, the Church is filled with Tares and it is because those who are not really Born-again, call themselves Christians by accepting Christ because of their lust for earthly blessings. This is the crowd that followed Jesus Christ when he performed the miracle by feeding the 5000 with 5 loves of bread and 2 fish. This is not the crowd of disciples.

Jesus  Christ is not a machine that produces Currency notes.He ain't a beggar who knocks at the door of Sinners ( Jesus is knocking at the Lukewarm Backslidden church - Rev 3:14-22). He is  angry with the wicked (Sinner) every day (Psalm 7: 11).If any sinner realises the Wages of Sin and the Price that our Saviour paid for it on the cross, he would Run to Jesus with tears in his heart, soul and mind. But if you try to Market your Poisonous Gospel, you are in Danger.

To preach this Salt-less, Non-edifying Poisonous Gospel, Money is spent in millions to erect cut outs, banners,posters for the evenagelist. Most people who attend  these meetings are not Non-believers. Most of them are Believers. I don't understand the spiritual burden of soul-winning, that most preachers have especially during the first week of the month. Offering baskets are getting filled. Many false testimonies are printed in next month's magazine.Are we fooling God who is waiting patiently for us with arms wide open?

We have to pray for those who are in tears and Grief. We can comfort them. It is good to tell them about God's love also. Yet, The comforting words that we speak to them is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.The true Gospel of Jesus Christ will convict the hearers of their sin, and will induce them to repent.


True Gospel will be accompanied by persecutions. It will also be accompanied by a Revival.
False Gospel will attract crowds, money, fame. It will also be accompanied by the wrath of God; because it is not the Gospel. It is Poison

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