Prosperity Gospel for Dummies

Warning : This is a long post and This post might make you to Hate Me or Any preacher. But As long as you Hate satan with a passion and continue to Love God, I am happy.

Additional Warning : Many names of world renowned Preachers (False) are exposed in this article.

When ever we hear the term "Prosperity Gospel", we usually associate it with Money. You would have heard Tele-Evangelists say aloud on Television," Give to my ministry and God will cancel all your debts". You might have had doubts when Paul Dhinakaran (Jesus calls Ministries)showed his advertising skills using the Kirubasana petti plan, Golden key plan through which he stole money from Sincere Christians. You might have also seen the Late- Oral Roberts crying for money on TV. These are just two examples. If you Turn-ON your television sets and if you ever come across the two channels TBN and God TV, you would come across many anti-christs begging for money 24/7. But if the Prosperity Gospel was only about money, we could perhaps tolerate it. But it encompasses much, much more dangerous dogma than that!

What exactly is the Prosperity Gospel (THE OTHER GOSPEL)

The Prosperity Gospel is also known as "Word of Faith" theology, or the "Health, Wealth, Happiness Gospel

Prosperity Gospel endorses baptism and anointing of materials (Car, House, Bike, Laptop, iphone). It doesn't end there. It also endorses a lot of cultish doctrines.
  • Prosperity Gospel preachers always endorse testimonies from people who were abundantly blessed financially because they offered money to those preachers.
  • Giving to a ministry results in guaranteed financial gain for the giver - you "give to get"
  • Financial generosity toward a ministry will unlock God's blessing on relationships, material gain, debt reduction, and healing
  • Jesus Christ was not God in the flesh
  • Any born-again man could have redeemed mankind through the atonement of his death
  • Jesus Christ became Satan on the Cross
  • Jesus Christ won salvation for the world by defeating Satan in Hell. He did not finish his work on the cross
  • God can do nothing in the earth unless He is granted permission through the faith-filled words of a Spirit-filled believer
  • Any born-again believer is a son or daughter of God and is therefore equal to the Son of God and is therefore a god
All the Prosperity Preachers preach a Gospel message packing their sermon around the above few points. The message might be emotional and inspiring. Some preachers might even use the very name of Jesus throughout their messages. Sincere Christians should open their eyes and discern which Jesus they are talking about? Is it the Jesus Christ of Nazareth from the Bible? Or Is it the Jesus that the preachers created and implanted in the minds of the believers? If you have itchy ears, you will be deceived.

Prosperity Teachers also teach that
  1. Poverty is a curse
  2. Sickness is a curse

They say that Jesus nailed it all on the cross. This statement itself contradicts their theology which is based on the belief that Jesus went to Hell and was tortured in hell. We should understand that Poverty and Sickness are still allowed by God to show two things

  1. When we live in poverty, we understand a lot of things. I am not endorsing any poverty Gospel. Jesus came as a poor man to make us rich in spirit even when we are poor. Being Rich or being Poor is not the question. Even if we are rich or even if we are poor, do we have the heart to Give and love one another? This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Prosperity Gospel doesn't see this truth
  2. When we are sick (Chastisement / Diet / Evil forces -allowed by God), we should remember that God can heal us. Sickness is allowed by God so that we can recognize his supremacy and his healing power in us.
Most of the prosperity preachers who preached that "Sickness is a Curse" died after a prolonged illness ( eg - Late DGS Dhinakaran)

The prosperity Enforcer - Jesse Duplantis stated the following in his book.

The very first thing on Jesus' agenda was to get rid of poverty! Would you like to know why some people, including ministries, never get out of poverty? It's not because they aren't smart. It's not because they don't have windows of opportunity. It's because they're not anointed. If you're not anointed, poverty will follow you all the days of your life. His first objective was to get rid of poverty. Obviously, He considered poverty a worse problem than blind eyes.Jesse Duplantis, relating the account of Jesus reading from Luke 4:18 and from this text), Nov. 1997 Voice of the Covenant, p.5

Which Bible does Jesse read? The problem with Sincere Bible believing Christians is the failure to understand between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.

Prosperity teachers quotes verses of earthly blessings mainly from the Old Testament (Totally out of context) and many sincere Christians have been victims to the twisted teaching from the pulpit . (One noted Prosperity teacher in Chennai is Rev Sam Chelladurai -AFT. He preaches this hellish doctrine too)

The prosperity teachers often say that Poverty is a curse, and they force the sheep to give money to the church by giving them a false promise that when they give money to the Church, God will bless them. This was found in the first century too. Apostle Paul mentions this in his letter to Titus

They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.Titus 1:11

Though earthly prosperity was a God given blessing in the Old Testament, Many prophets of God warned the sheep about "Money-Minded" preachers in the Old Testament also. Prophet Jeremiah's words echo this

The priests did not say, ‘Where is the LORD?’Those who handle the law did not know me;the shepherds transgressed against me;the prophets prophesied by Baaland went after things that do not profit. Jeremiah 2:8

Now prosperity preachers often say that sickness is a curse by quoting a verse from 3rd book of John

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.3John 2

It is true that the Scripture presents good health, sufficient wealth and peace with contentment (happiness) as the blessing of God. But prosperity teachers twist this verse and say that it is the perfect will of God for these qualities to be displayed in the believer- in the sense that if someone is not enjoying these blessings then they are logically out of the will of God. Suffering, lack, ill health, has no place in the scheme of the Prosperity Gospel. Yet, these qualities are also sometimes the blessing of God. Paul writes that suffering as a blessing in his letter to the Romans.

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces enduranceRomans 5:3

The prosperity preachers have just not twisted the words " Poverty" and "Sickness" . They have even given a new definition to the word "FAITH" which is unbiblical (By joning a couple of non-related verses from the Bible that talks about Faith)

Rather than faith being the gift of God to believe, "faith", to the Prosperity Preacher, becomes a force that believers can harness to exert spiritual power over their circumstances. While faith is the force, wordsare the containers of that force. Prosperity preachers call this "positive confession". Hence, they are also identified as Word of faith preachers because of this novel teaching about faith.

Kenneth Copeland ( Another wolf in Sheep's Clothing )

The force of faith is released by words. Faith-filled words put the law of the Spirit of life into operation." Kenneth Copeland, "The Force of Faith", Ft. Worth: Kenneth Copeland Publications, 1983

According to Benny Hinn, Christians can use faith to prevent sickness (because it is never God's will for people to be sick, according to the Prosperity Gospel).

If the apostle Paul had received a revelation about the power of faith that Copeland and Benny had, he would never had suffered and certainly he would never have been imprisoned. What the apostle Paul didn't know, apparently, was that he could use faith as a force to change his circumstances by speaking it into existence.The teaching about faith by Prosperity Teachers is wrong. Biblical faith is not a force.Faith, according to the Scriptures is a gift from God.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God Ephesians 2:8

Biblically, the object of faith is not the circumstance that the believer needs changing, but: God. The believer's faith is meant to be in God not in the ability to change their circumstances! Yet prominent Prosperity Preacher, Marilyn Hickey, teaches that " faith" can be used to "create money". She says that believers should use their faith to speak to their wallets ("bill-folds") and command them to be filled with money 

Yet, there is a gift of faith that Romans 12:3 and 1 Corinthians 12:9 talks about. In this instance it seems that God gives someone the gift of faith so that they can be faithful in a particular task/project/ministry. Without this kind of Biblical faith there are countries that would never have been evangelised, hospitals not built, schools not established, churches not planted, and lives not reached. Not only does our Sovereign God ordain the election of His chosen ones, but He also ordains the means by which His election will be carried out. The role of faith in this process leads to God being glorified and this is the point of faith: the glory of God.

Now if you are fed up with this article, you can stop reading; but if you have a thirst to know more about the Prosperity Gospel teaching, you can read further. The words that follow are not gonna be as sweet as honey. They will prick. So if you can handle it, go ahead and read the rest of the article.

Prosperity teachers always link God with Prosperity with the simple equation - " GOD = PROSPERITY"

The traditional Christian concept of God encompasses His supreme sovereignty, His transcendence over creation, His unique magnificence, and His exclusive attributes (eternality, immutability, omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience). As such, God cannot be defined by the parameters of our dimension. That is, we experience the dimensions of space (height/width/depth) and time, but we cannot define the infinite God with such finite (limited) terms. But this is not the view of God presented by the Faith/Prosperity teachers. Their God is a very finite being.

He [God] doesn't even draw a distinction between Himself and us...You know what else that's settled, then, tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the Devil to try and bring dissension within the body of Christ that we are gods. I am a little god!...I have His name. I'm one with Him. I'm in covenant relation. I am a little god! Critics, be gone!" Paul Crouch, "Praise the Lord" program on TBN [7 July 1986]

K.C Fred Price (Another wolf) went one step ahead and said that God can't don anything unless he receives the permission from the believer
"God can't do anything in this earth realm except what we, the body of Christ, allow Him to do. Now that statement is so--that's so--that's so foreign and so contrary to tradition that, like I said, if they could get their hands on me right now most evangelicals would burn me at the stake and dismember me and feed me to the crocodiles, because they'll consider that statement to be just heresy"Frederick K.C. Price, "Ever Increasing Faith" program on TBN [1 May 1992], audiotape #PR11. Cf. chapter 6, 85.

Copeland went two steps ahead and said that we can even COMMAND God

"As a believer, you have a right to make commands in the name of Jesus. Each time you stand on the Word, you are commanding God to a certain extent because it is His Word." Kenneth Copeland, "Our Covenant with God", Fort Worth, TX: KCP Publications, 1987, 32

Copeland then again committed spiritual prostitution by saying that God is a Failure

"I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is...The biggest one is God...I mean, He lost His top-ranking, most anointed angel; the first man He ever created; the first woman He ever created; the whole earth and all the Fullness therein; a third of the angels, at least--that's a big loss, man... Now, the reason you don't think of God as a failure is He never said He's a failure. And you're not a failure till you say you're oneKenneth Copeland, "Praise-a-Thon" program on TBN [April 1988]

You might be thinking that I am over using Copeland here. But I have a reason here because, he is the God father and spiritual mentor of many Word-Faith Teachers.Many word-Faith teachers copy his quotes in their teachings viz Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Joseph Prince, Chee Ann, John Arnott, Todd Bentley, Kong Hee and many more) 

Kenneth Copeland did not stop with his blasphemies. He even went on to say that God could have even used him ( Instead of Jesus ) to redeem mankind.

"The Spirit of God spoke to me and He said, 'Son, realize this. Now follow me in this and don't let your tradition trip you up.'Think this way--a twice-born man whipped Satan in his own domain.' And I threw my Bible that. I said, 'What?' He said, 'A born-again man defeated Satan, the firstborn of many brethren defeated him.' He said, 'You are the very image, the very copy of that one.' I said, 'Goodness, gracious sakes alive!' And I began to see what had gone on in there, and I said, 'Well now you don't mean, you couldn't dare mean, that I could have done the same thing?' He said, 'Oh yeah, if you'd had the knowledge of the Word of God that He did, you could've done the same thing, cause you're a reborn man too.'"Kenneth Copeland, Substitution and Identification,K. Copeland Ministries, 1989, audiotape #00-0202, Side B.

Contrary to the Prosperity/Word of Faith Teachers, God is not merely spiritually enlightened. Biblically, He is infinitely powerful, infinitely magnificent, infinitely wise and infinitely good. 

He is able to do whatever He pleases and He in no way requires our permission to do anything!

One more thing that the prosperity preachers preach is that Jesus did not complete his work on the cross. 

Different prosperity preachers have different views on this. Check the following three foolish views.

  • There was nothing unique about Christ"My, you know, whoosh! The Holy Ghost is just showing me some stuff. I'm getting dizzy! I'm telling you the truth--it's, it's just heavy right now on me...He's (referring to Jesus) in the underworld now. God isn't there, the Holy Ghost isn't there, and the Bible says He was begotten. Do you know what the word begotten means? It means reborn. Do you want another shocker? have you been begotten? So was he. Don't let anyone deceive you. Jesus was reborn. You say, 'What are you talking about?'...He was reborn. He had to be reborn...If He was not reborn, I would never be reborn. How can I face Jesus and say, 'Jesus you went through everything I've gone through, except the new birth?'"Benny Hinn, "Our Position in Christ, Part 11", Orlando, FL: Orlando Christian Centre, 1991, videotape # TV-254

  • Our atonement is not the result of the Cross"Do you think that the punishment for our sin was to die on a cross? If that were the case, the two thieves could have paid your price. No, the punishment was to go into hell and to serve time in hell separated from God...Satan and all the demons of hell thought that they had Him bound and they threw a net over Jesus and they dragged Him down to the very pit of hell itself to serve our sentence."Fred K.C. Price, Ever Increasing Faith Messenger, Newsletter Crenshaw Christian Centre, Inglewood, CA. June 1980, p.7

  • Christ was actually speaking "words of faith" when he said it was finished because there was still much to be done to achieve the salvation of mankind "When Jesus cried, 'It is finished!' He was not speaking of the plan of redemption. There were still three days and nights to go through before He went to the Throne...Jesus' death on the cross was only the beginning of the complete work of redemption." Kenneth Copeland, "Jesus Our Lord of Glory>", Believer's Voice of Victory, April 1982, p.10


How to identify if a preacher is preaching earthly prosperity gospel or the True Gospel?

 1. A prosperity gospel preacher will call those who don't believe in that gospel as "poverty gospel followers". Yes there are many Christians who live in false humility and live like beggars thinking that this is what gospel is all about. Prosperity gospel exponents will label all those who oppose them in this category of Christians who live in false humility. So the first step to identify a prosperity gospel preacher is that he will always attack those who don't accept his prosperity gospel message.

2. Prosperity gospel preachers will quote the prosperity verses quoted in the old testament as blessings. This is where Christians get deceived in a bigger way. In the old testament the blessing was mainly earthly blessings. Abraham's blessings flowed across generations (Abraham did not enjoy the blessings. But his generation enjoyed it. Solomon asked for wisdom and God blessed him with earthly riches. Many of the old testament promises circle around earthly blessings. Even the psalmist David in many of his psalms thanks God for blessing him materially. We also see that David also asks God to punish his enemies in the psalms. This is old covenant teaching. But in the New covenant - after the coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, the blessings are spiritual and not earthly blessings. But many present day preachers who preach on new Covenant say that we are not under the Old covenant and we are not bound by the law. But still when it comes to blessings, they go back to all the blessings mentioned in the old testament.

3. Many earthly prosperity preachers use the classic example of Job. They teach that Satan stole everything that Job had. So Satan steals your money and makes you poor but you can drive away Satan in the name of Jesus Christ. This kind of teaching is not biblical. We have to note that Job did not have the power to drive away Satan using the name of Jesus. He did not even know why he was going through the pain. But he always held on to God even when he had nothing. That is what we have to learn from Job. Job did not curse God. Also we have to know that Satan is very cunning that he gives worldly blessings and material prosperity to people (He tried to tempt Jesus with earthly blessings too). Many believers fall prey to this trick of Satan. This is why the bible clearly tells us that we can't serve God and Mammon. Many Christians are taught that if they follow Jesus they will get materially rich. This world is just a passing phase for us. This is not our home. Our home is heaven.

4.I have often heard preachers say that if you are poor, it is because Satan has stolen your inheritance. They even preach that the sign of being a child of God is being materially prosperous. But only a child of God will know that when we truly follow Christ there will be more material and earthly losses than gains. Satan is a thief; but he is not out there to steal our money. He is out there to steal our soul. Many run behind money and lose their soul. Beware of earthly prosperity preachers. 1 Timothy 6th chapter explains the difference between true followers of Christ and those who follow money.

So does this mean that God will not bless his children?

No. God takes care of our needs. He is our provider. He knows what is best for us. He does not make us greedy. Matthew 6:33 explains this in the best possible way. The Apostles of Christ lived for Christ. They lived for His kingdom and they never ran after money. But today a whole breed of Christian believers are created to follow another Jesus (2 Cor 11:4).

Paul's words in Phil 1:21 should be in the breath of every Christian. " For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain".

- Shielded in God's love

For any clarifications in this article, please mail the author at

Jesus - The Bad Marketer

Jesus was one of the worst Marketing guys who ever walked on planet earth. 

You might ask "Why do you say so?"

I have my reasons for making that statement. The reasons are given below.

Jesus never utilized an opportunity to promote himself
  1. Once Jesus was walking in the city. He saw a man with leprosy. Jesus just touched him and he was instantly healed. Jesus ordered him not to tell anyone; instead asked him to go and show himself to the high priest. (Luke 5:12-14)
  2. Once a small girl died. Jesus went to her house and brought her back to life. He said " Go and tell no one".(Luke 8 :52-56)
  3. Once Jesus went into a house and many blind men came to him. He touched them and they all got sight. Jesus said to them "See here, Let no one know about this". (Matthew 9:28-30)
  4. Once Jesus healed a deaf and dumb man. He told the people not to tell anyone about the miracle. (Mark 7:33-36)
We see in Jesus's earthly ministry that he was telling people not to testify about physical healing. Jesus could have  indeed asked his disciples to make big banners and wall paintings about his wonderful miracle ministry.  He could have made it really big.

His business model was bad

Jesus could have preached sermons on how he healed people; but sadly he did not even preach a single sermon on healing and miracles. Instead of preaching how to heal people, he demonstrated it. He could have atleast written some scrolls on topics like "Seven ways to heal yourself" , " Five points for successful living", "How to be healthy, wealthy and happy", "purpose driven Christianity" etc... His writings would have sold out for greater amount of money. He could have sold these scrolls to different parts of the globe through his disciples. But he did not do that. This is because he had a poor business model and hence failed to promote his ministry for business.

He could have made a world Tour

Jesus could have used his twelve disciples to go to the ends of the world and they could have made arrangements for Jesus to make  a world wide miracle crusades. He did not do any of that. Instead he sent those 12 disciples to different nations. Jesus never wanted to use his miracles to attract people. Jesus always preached the gospel  (Repent, Believe, Get disciplined, Continue growing in God).  If he only made announcements through his disciples that he was going to different parts of the globe, he would have reached the ends of the world in no time. But sadly, he just walked around Jerusalem and Galilee like a wanderer with the same Jewish crowd following him. If only he had learnt a lesson from the present day preachers that only disciples are only to be used for administrative,logistic work where as preaching was reserved for the main preacher of the organisation, Jesus would have made world tours.

His PR approach was pathetic

Once Jesus drove away the legion away from a man. (Mark 5). In this story, the man wanted to go along with Jesus after he was set free; but Jesus asked the man to go back to his HOME and tell them about God's mercies (Mark 5:19). Jesus did not take the man along with him to all the places he went and he never used that man to promote his ministry. Instead he asked the man to be a testimony in his own hometown.

Jesus always expects us to hide behind the cross and do His ministry. John the baptist made this amazing statement "He must increase and I must decrease". But today preachers have this statement  "He must increase and I must also increase along with him".

Jesus was poor in delivering quantified results
Those who advertise their ministry by telling that 45 million people have tasted the lord through their ministry can teach Jesus a lesson on how to market themselves. Jesus would have reached thousands of people too. If only Jesus had learnt this trick from the present day ministers, he would have constantly said that he brought 2000 people in Galilee, 1500 in Capernaum, 2000 in Nazareth and so on. Such numbers would have been recorded in the bible and we could have boasted about it. But we just have a couple of instances of 3000 and 5000 odd people being included to church and that too as a result of Pentecost. Instead of 3000 people, Luke should have recorded it as 3 million. That number sounds really huge.

Jesus did not know how to make money.

Jesus had the capacity to earn money through his preachings. He could have made entry tickets for his crusades and an offertory collection in his healing crusades would have made him a multi millionaire. But instead of passing baskets to collect money, he passed the baskets to distribute bread and fish to people who came to one of his public preaching.

On another occasion he went into the temple and drove away the money changers who were using God's name to earn money. This was really bad behavior on Jesus's part. If he was not smart enough to earn money, why did he have to poke his nose in the business of others who were cheating and earning money? I am happy that Jesus is not roaming around in our churches and christian books stores today. He would have behaved like a maniac in all these places.

Jesus did not even know how to evade taxes. If he had taken a lesson or two from the present day preachers, he would have learnt how to convert black money to white money.


From the above points it is very clear that Jesus was a very bad marketer who did not even know how to project himself well. If only he was with us in flesh and blood, he could have been subjected to an intense training session on how to be a great business man with wonderful marketing strategies. 

[Those who understood the concept of this article, do ponder over this article and give a thought on what you learnt from this. Others can ignore this]

Shielded in God's love

How (Not) to tell your testimony?

Off late it has become a common practice in Christian Television channels to interview a christian celebrity. One of the common questions asked is "Please share your testimony". The celebrity then goes on and shares his testimony. These testimonies can be seen /heard if you tune to a christian TV channel or  Christian FM channel.

Most of these testimonies are exaggerated to make it appealing for the audiences. Some testimonies truly bring glory to God but many don't. Let us analyse the following testimony that I saw in a TV channel recently. The interview went on like this

Interviewer : Praise the Lord brother. It is a great privilege to have you with us on our show. 

Celebrity : Praise the Lord. I greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Interviewer : Can you please share with us about your testimony.

Celebrity : I was a notorious sinner. I used to be one major rogue. People were scared of me. I was the hit man of my place. My hands used to do the talking and I used to settle disputes with my power. During those days I was a big drunkard too. I used to get drunk every night and some nights I would be lying down on the road. Some one would take me to my house. I was a disgrace to the family. I used to smoke 50 cigarettes a day and I taught many college friends to smoke. This is how I was leading my college life.

Interviewer : Oh No! Then what happened

Celebrity : Then when I was in final year of college, I started taking drugs and I became a drug addict. I was always high on drugs. I started stealing money from my home, friends to buy drugs and I had contacts with all the drug peddlers in town.

Interviewer : That was really bad.

Celebrity : Yes! It was really bad. Then one day I was so depressed , I decided to smoke some weed. I ran out of rolling paper . So I searched for a paper that I could use to roll the weed and I found a small bible in the corner of the room. The paper in the bible is soft and I decided to tear a paper to roll the stuff and smoke.
I opened the bible and I saw John 3:16. Immediately tears started flowing from my eyes and I surrendered myself to Christ. I confessed all my sins and submitted myself to God. I even took the decision to become a pastor and lead people away from sin. If Jesus can cleanse a great sinner like me, He sure can cleanse anyone.

Interviewer : That is one of the best testimonies we have heard in a long time Pastor. Now tell me how your life is after you accepted Jesus as your personal savior.

Celebrity : When I was in sin, I was a complete loser. People hated me. Now everyone loves me. God has blessed me too. I used to be a pauper who did not have any penny on me. But now I own a BMW and God has poured his blessings on my family. When we put God first he will bless us and prosper us. His plan is to prosper us and give us a hope and a future. I was once without any hope. Now Jesus is my Hope and Joy.

Interviewer : Praise God for that. Dear Viewers, I am pretty sure that this testimony of our dear pastor would have inspired you to accept Christ. We will meet again with yet another testimony next week. Till then, Good bye; Stay Blessed.

Did anyone find anything wrong in this testimony?

The celebrity talks about his past and also about his present life. In the past life, he talks about his defeated sinful life; but when he talks about his present life, he talks about the earthly blessings. He is not talking about how he is overcoming sin in his day -to-day life.  Earthly blessings  does not fit into the picture at all because if earthly blessings are equated as blessings from God then all the non believers in the Forbes top 100 richest people in the world are the most blessed people in the world.

When we share our testimony, let us not tell lies. It has become a fashion to say "I was a drug addict in the past". Some one who smoked weed in college doesn't become a drug addict. Drug addiction is a different department in itself. Just to attract audiences let us not exaggerate our past life. Some of the testimonies that we hear really make me think that those celebrity preachers should actually be behind bars.

Testimony is all about showing it through our life. 
Testimony is all about praising him.
Testimony is not about trying to portray myself as a good man.
Testimony is all about Truth.
Testimony is not about Lies.
Even a single ounce of Lie in a testimony make it a whole Lie.

How is your testimony?

-Shielded in God's Love

Judge not... Before the Appointed Time

How many times have we jumped to conclusions. When we look at a person, we tend to draw a picture of the person in our mind and there are occasions when we label a person as a worthless creature even before the person could have a say.

When Landau Eugene auditioned for a competition to showcase his talent, the judges mocked at him. His social status and the way he carried himself made the judges to think that he was a nutcase. But the moment he opened his mouth to sing, he silenced the judges with his voice.

In today's world, everybody are taught to carry themselves very well. In most of etiquette training sessions, the trainer always forces the trainees not to be themselves; but to be someone whom others will accept. Everyone are taught to throw attitude. But in the attitude era, there are still simple creatures who come to the stage without any glamour and they just take the world by storm. Asif Ali is one such person. The judges sarcastically took him for a ride by insulting him for his mannerisms. This guy knocked them when he started to sing.

Similarly we would have seen the story of Susan Boyle and Kevin Skinner too. In the Bible we see a story about a man who was not good looking and he did not have the talent to speak well and everyone who listened to him mocked at his inability to convince them with his speech. But He had a secret weapon and that is his writing skills. God used this man to write 13 books in the bible. His name is Paul. We read in 2 Cor 10:10 about what people thought about him.

"His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing."

The lessons we learn from this article is this
1) Never judge a book by its cover
2) Judge not before the appointed time.
3) Never jump into conclusions.

When you see someone who doesn't carry himself well, please  don't underestimate the person. Encourage him and try to bring the best out of him. Our sarcastic insults can kill the greatest talents around us.

The only thing that one has to do behind a back of a person is "Pat his back"

-Shielded in God's Love

How to Identify a Christian Preacher in the Internet world?

Jesus gave a clue to recognize false prophets. The clue is found in Matthew 7 :16 

Matthew 7 : 16 - By their fruit you will recognize them (False Prophets)

"So, if a preacher has good fruit, then he should be a true man of God " - This is what many would think when they read the above verse. So many preachers are careful to depict only good fruit. In the online world, depicting the good fruit is not an easy joke. Many preachers are judged 

1.By their personal life:

The personal life of many preachers are mostly private and unless they are followed by paparazzi every now and then, the personal life is not easily known to the outside world. So it is not easy to judge a preacher by his fruit in his personal life.

2.By the doctrines they preach :

When it comes to the doctrines they preach, many christian believers blindly believe what ever a preacher preaches. They never cross check with the scriptures like the Bereans. So unless and until the believers have a closer walk with God, they will not be able to judge the preacher by his fruit in his preaching.

A name sake christian will never be able to identify a preacher by his fruit. Such a person will search for external cues to identify a preacher. Some preachers use 5 different posing styles to make a name-sake Christian to believe that he is a True servant of God. These 5 different posing styles of preachers can be found in the website/ Facebook page of such preachers.

Note : A real believer will never fall to the following different 5 poses.

Pose number 1 : The Crowd Puller

The preacher would appear in a photo-shopped picture in which he will be shown as preaching to a large crowd. 

The face of the preacher would occupy the main position in the picture. 

Additional lighting are also used to create glamour effect to the preacher.

Some preachers use a halo around their head.

In this picture, we can see that a Bible, a hand and fire flowing from the hand are used. This signifies that the preacher is a fire engine and he can produce fire from his hand. 

Pose 2 : The Praying man

The praying man pose is a very simple and easy pose. 

The preacher just has to close his eyes and fold his hands in front of the photographer. 

The cameraman would click this photo. This photo will be used by the preacher in his facebook page or on his website. 

Some preachers make this snap look realistic by kneeling down and posing for the snap. This pose effectively makes the namesake christian to believe that the preacher is a mighty praying servant of God.

Pose 3: Arms wide open pose

The preacher gives his best smile. He brushes his teeth well before he gives that smile.

Then he extends his arms and faces the cameraman.

He then makes a hand gesture as if he is holding a big bucket.

This pose gives an impression that the preacher is friendly, warm, compassionate and greets every one with his friendly open arms.

Pose 4 : Enter the microphone

The preacher holds a cordless microphone

Then he gives a constipated expression.

The camera clicks now

A graphical background is then added to add light to the picture.

If the preacher has pimples and blackmarks on his face, photoshop comes into the picture.

The constipated expression gives an impression that he is preaching boldly for Christ. Some namesake christians would also think that the preacher is a roaring Lion or a Tiger for Jesus.

Pose 5 : The Bible man

This is the toughest of all poses. 

The preacher has to balance the bible in one hand. He has to use his other hand to show a gesture that no one knows. In addition to this he has to give that "milk flowing face" pose.

Doing all this can be done only by an expert in this field. Once all these three poses are balanced and executed by the preacher, the camera man clicks the photo.

This photo is then added to the facebook page /website of the preacher. Such a picture tells us that the preacher is a great Bible scholar. It also makes the namesake christian to believe that he is an anointed man of God.

Yes! This is how a namesake Christian will judge a preacher. 

The Bible says  "  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" in 1 Samuel 16:7.

Unless and Until a believer has a closer walk with God, he will not be able to know anyone by their fruit.

Stay Blessed

Shielded in God's Love