Like a thief in the night he will come

Today, my wife told me that some family friends will be visiting us in 30 minutes. When she told me this, I looked around the drawing room and it was in a mess. My daughter's toys were lying on the floor, the papers were scattered and a pile of clothes were on the sofa. Immediately I looked at the clock and made a mental calculation of the time that would take to clean the room. 

Both of us sprung into action. We cleaned the drawing room in 15 minutes. To give the finishing touches, I sprayed some room freshener. The room looked great. The guests came in and they appreciated the manner in which we maintained our house.

They did not know that the drawing room is the only room that was clean. All the mess that was in the drawing room was now dumped in the bed room.

As I was thinking about the evening, I thought to myself, "If only I had kept the house clean at all times, I need not worry about sweeping things under the carpet as I did in the evening", 

1) All of us are like this drawing room. We all have dirt in this room. Some keep the room often and keep it clean. These are the people who have a regular personal walk with God. 

2) There are some other people who clean the room like I did today. These are the people who do not have a personal walk with God. But they know God. They wait till the last minute. They try to portray themselves as good in the eyes of others. They dump the dirt and sin in a corner of their heart and show only the good side to others. But things will come out some day.

3) The third category of people never care about what others think about them. They carry the sin with pride in their hearts.

The first category of people are those who are with a fire for God.
The third category of people are those who are cold.
The second category of people are the lukewarm type of people. They try to portray themselves as people who are on fire for God. But it is a false fire. God will puke them out of his mouth.

Which category do we belong to? Jesus will come like a thief in the night. When he comes to judge the living and the dead, would we be ready to meet him and share in his eternal glory? Let us introspect ourselves and may God give us the grace so that we fall under the first category of people.

-Shielded in his Grace

I WAS a fan of Benny Hinn ( Testimony of an ex-Benny Hinn addict)

Many friends ask me why I go strong against Christian preachers?  " They are PREACHERS and they are used by God to bless many people. In such a case, why do you call them as false preachers? " - This is one common question that is posed to me.  

Many Christians are comforted by the false teachers through their messages. Yes many Christians even have received healings from diseases. So automatically many Christians will believe these people as servants of God.

Let me tell you my story.

I was a big time fanatic of Benny Hinn in 2008. I have read all his books. Good morning Holy Spirit (GMHS), welcome holy spirit, anointing, he touched me etc... I used to quote paragraphs of many of his writings. Even my initial spiritual understanding was based on his book good morning holy spirit. When ever I met any new believer, I would present the book "Good morning holy spirit" to those people. My only dream then , was to stand in a stage and make people fall down. That was what I considered as Christianity then.

Then one day, I was chatting with a friend on GTALK (August 2008)[ He is in my friend list on facebook] and when I asked him to read GMHS, he retorted and said "Beware of Benny Hinn". I could not take that and I got angry with him . I considered myself as spiritually superior because of the spiritual manifestations that was happening through me at that time. So I could not even digest the fact that someone could say that Benny Hinn was wrong. But he said only one thing, "Prason, next time you read GMHS again, please take a bible and keep it next to you. When ever Benny Hinn quotes any verse in his book, just read that verse in the bible and see on what context the verse is written in the bible. You yourself discern his writings. I will not tell anything bad about him"

I was very angry with him and hence did not heed to him. In the next few weeks , I came across many video preaching messages of Benny Hinn and my love for him grew more and more. On youtube, one can find related videos too. While was watching one such video, I came across some related videos which labelled Benny Hinn as a false prophet. When I saw those videos my blood boiled and I used to write nasty comments on those videos and used to warn all the people who talked bad about benny hinn. But later when I started seeing more videos, I started having mild doubts about Benny Hinn. But still my love for him overshadowed the doubts and I was in denial. The more videos I saw about his financial fraudulence, unscriptural manifestations, beating people with his coat, multiple false prophecies, my doubts increased and this is when I decided to read the book GMHS again; but this time along with the Bible.

When I started this exercise, I discovered that Benny Hinn had used Bible verses totally out of context, just to prove his personal experiences and his teachings. Some of the twsisted teachings of Benny Hinn from the book are
  • Benny Hinn hits people with his coat. He uses a bible verse Acts 19:12 -(Paul's apron curing the people) to justify his arrogant act.
  • He also gives an appearance to the unseen God. "What was the appearance of God the Father? Like that of a man...God has the likeness of fingers and hands and a face." (Good Morning Holy Spirit, (Benny Hinn, Word, 1991, p. 82)"
  • Benny Hinn goes on to say that laughing in spirit is from God. He justifies all the wierd rolling and laughing experiences with the biblical example of Stephen. He writes that Stephen laughed when he was stoned to death
Also there are many more twisted verses when he explains prophecy, tongues and other gifts. When I was reading all these, I was broken down to bits. "The man I loved so much is false? " " Whom should I trust? " Questions started running around in my head. Then I came to know about all his failed false prophecies. Some of his false prophecies are

  1. Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989.
"The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God."

2.Orlando Christian Center, Dec. 31st, 1989.
"The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."

3. Jesus will appear physically in this meeting

Jesus never appeared in his meeting. This happened in Nairobi, Kenya.

On May 24th, 2000 - This Is Your Day program on TV, he Suddenly said this, "You know what days these are? The days of Elijah. We are in the days of Elijah! Fire is falling down from heaven!"

This teaching by Benny Hinn has made lot of young preachers to adopt the same lingo. They shout "FIRE FIRE" from stage.

Then later I read his other books and found them to be equally misleading.When I found that his teachings were false, his prophecies were false and also his family life was in tatters, I was devastated.  It was such a shocker for me and it was hard for me to digest the fact that Benny Hinn was completely wrong. But God was gracious with me and he picked me out of the bondage of Benny Hinn and slowly my eyes were opened to different kinds of false teachings by different false teachers.

When I started vocal-ling out about this, people started saying that I am talking about a christian preacher and God will be angry with me for this ( I used to do the same thing in 2008). The same people to whom I presented with GMHS book in 2008 are now big time fanatic of Benny Hinn and they see me with contempt and hatred( Many are in my FB friends list. Few have deleted me and a few have blocked me). It is very hard to melt a stone heart. Only when Christians are willing to see the truth, they will understand the truth or else they will live in denial for eternity.

Only when we see things through the light of scripture, with a broken and contrite heart, we will ever learn from God. Once you stand for truth, people will label you as a maniac and a criticizer and also as an accuser. People will also call you as a proud guy , Know-it-all idiot. But once we are faithful to God and once we obey God in His calling, then we will not worry about what people say about us. Satisfying God becomes our first priority. We might have to pay the price of losing friends, entering into the bad books of many people and be labelled as a popularity-seeking guy. But let us keep only one thing in mind- "The one who has called us is faithful and when we are faithful to him, nothing else matters".

-Shielded in God's Love

Why Christian preachers disobey basic commands of Jesus?

Jesus told this

Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,  so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Matthew 6:1-4

But today Christian preachers are doing this

Why do these Christian preachers blatantly disobey the words of Jesus?

1) It is because they want to be popular.

2) It is because they do ministry for business

3) They can use these photos in which they pose as if they are helping others for raising funds

4) They serve themselves and not Jesus.

Jesus hates such ministries. But still these people use the name of Jesus in their ministries and do business. God will judge them on his day. Let us not pass judgment on these guys. Their deeds judge themselves.

-Voice in the desert.

Confessions of a Christian Preacher

My name is Shivender Johnson. I come from a Non Christian background. I accepted the Lord through a miracle that happened in our family. From that day onwards,  I always wanted to serve the Lord.  So I attended a 3 month prophetic training course conducted by a powerful evangelist from India.

Then I started building contacts in the Christian circle. Slowly I got opportunity to preach in a christian church. The pastor introduced me as Evangelust. Shivender Johnson. I felt happy. Then I got a few more opportunities to preach in other churches too.

One day a Christian preacher met me and told, " Johnson, You should move to the next level. You should become an International evangelist". I asked him how to become one. He immediately said that inorder to become  world famous evangelist, I should be famous in the online world. He told me to create a portfolio and as a first step asked me to take a photo shoot so that I can use the photos in my website "Johnson Ministries". He also told me that I could use the photos in the banners , pamphlets, cut outs and also in distribution leaflets.

So I approached a Christian photographer who does photoshoots for Christian evangelists. I wore a shirt and jeans pant to the photo studio. The photographer asked me to wear a coat on top of my shirt. I asked "why?". He said "Only if you wear a coat, you will get the preacher effect". So I wore a coat that he gave me. The shirt I wore, the coat I wore never matched with the jeans I was wearing. Then he asked me to stand in a certain position and pose for the camera. I did as he told. 

When I thought he would click the photo, he suddenly stopped and went inside the room. When he returned , he came with a bible in his hands. He gave it to me and said "A Christian preacher should always pose with a Bible in his hands. Only then you will get into the minds of people as a Christian preacher". I followed his instruction and opened the Bible and posed for the snap. He clicked some pictures and the photo shoot ended. When he finished clicking the pictures, I just glanced at the page which I had kept open. It was Matthew 6th chapter. The 5th verse caught my attention.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

When I read the verse, it started to prick me. I started to tremble. Why all these photo shoot? Am I doing this to prove to the world that I am a big evangelist? I am just a servant. But why am I trying to portray myself as an International evangelist? I came out of the photo studio with these thoughts. Thought these thoughts came across my mind, I hardened my heart and continued with my activities. 

Now it has been 3 years since that photo shoot happened. I am now travelling to many countries. But am I travelling to all the countries to preach the gospel? or Am I travelling to all the countries to promote myself and for the money I recieve as offerings? I know the answer to these questions. But it is difficult to openly confess the truth. Tomorrow, I will preaching in a church in Singapore. I saw a banner advertisement in that church's website that advertised about my presence there. It was the same photograph used in that banner. It is not wrong to take pictures and posting it. But the intention of posing for a picture with the Bible and acting like  a evangelist is wrong.

Matthew 6:5 flashed across my mind again.

- Confessions of a Christian preacher is the mind voice of many preachers who have come a long way like Shivender Johnson. Let those who have an ear , Listen and obey to the voice of God.

A echo by

What will happen to false prophets?

These are the last days. The children of God will go through persecution and not prosperity. Anyone who says otherwise is a false prophet. There are many false preachers who would love to tickle your ears with soothe sayings. Don't believe a word they say. They are all liars. Christianity has many liars in the pulpits. We have these liars in the pulpits because those in the pews have become so lazy that they don't open their bibles and have a personal time with God.

The bible is very clear, that in the last days there won't be any peace between nations and there will be wars, discord and unrest everywhere.  So if anyone says otherwise, he is a liar and a false prophet. Why would any one say something that contradicts the bible? It is because people love hearing good , positive messages. This is why we have many positive inspirational speakers. These speakers use bible verses and give a feel good message. But they are all liars.

The following message is one such example of a big fat lie. God did not say this. This message is a contradiction to biblical truth. This preacher preaches a feel-good message. Beware of such preachers

What does God tell about such Liars?

Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds."

 Therefore this is what the Lord says about the prophets who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same prophets will perish by sword and famine. 

What does God tell about those who believe the prophecies of these liars?

 And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve.

The above three paragraphs are God's very own words recorded in Jeremiah 14 :14 -16