Like a thief in the night he will come

Today, my wife told me that some family friends will be visiting us in 30 minutes. When she told me this, I looked around the drawing room and it was in a mess. My daughter's toys were lying on the floor, the papers were scattered and a pile of clothes were on the sofa. Immediately I looked at the clock and made a mental calculation of the time that would take to clean the room. 

Both of us sprung into action. We cleaned the drawing room in 15 minutes. To give the finishing touches, I sprayed some room freshener. The room looked great. The guests came in and they appreciated the manner in which we maintained our house.

They did not know that the drawing room is the only room that was clean. All the mess that was in the drawing room was now dumped in the bed room.

As I was thinking about the evening, I thought to myself, "If only I had kept the house clean at all times, I need not worry about sweeping things under the carpet as I did in the evening", 

1) All of us are like this drawing room. We all have dirt in this room. Some keep the room often and keep it clean. These are the people who have a regular personal walk with God. 

2) There are some other people who clean the room like I did today. These are the people who do not have a personal walk with God. But they know God. They wait till the last minute. They try to portray themselves as good in the eyes of others. They dump the dirt and sin in a corner of their heart and show only the good side to others. But things will come out some day.

3) The third category of people never care about what others think about them. They carry the sin with pride in their hearts.

The first category of people are those who are with a fire for God.
The third category of people are those who are cold.
The second category of people are the lukewarm type of people. They try to portray themselves as people who are on fire for God. But it is a false fire. God will puke them out of his mouth.

Which category do we belong to? Jesus will come like a thief in the night. When he comes to judge the living and the dead, would we be ready to meet him and share in his eternal glory? Let us introspect ourselves and may God give us the grace so that we fall under the first category of people.

-Shielded in his Grace