What will happen to false prophets?

These are the last days. The children of God will go through persecution and not prosperity. Anyone who says otherwise is a false prophet. There are many false preachers who would love to tickle your ears with soothe sayings. Don't believe a word they say. They are all liars. Christianity has many liars in the pulpits. We have these liars in the pulpits because those in the pews have become so lazy that they don't open their bibles and have a personal time with God.

The bible is very clear, that in the last days there won't be any peace between nations and there will be wars, discord and unrest everywhere.  So if anyone says otherwise, he is a liar and a false prophet. Why would any one say something that contradicts the bible? It is because people love hearing good , positive messages. This is why we have many positive inspirational speakers. These speakers use bible verses and give a feel good message. But they are all liars.

The following message is one such example of a big fat lie. God did not say this. This message is a contradiction to biblical truth. This preacher preaches a feel-good message. Beware of such preachers

What does God tell about such Liars?

Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds."

 Therefore this is what the Lord says about the prophets who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same prophets will perish by sword and famine. 

What does God tell about those who believe the prophecies of these liars?

 And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve.

The above three paragraphs are God's very own words recorded in Jeremiah 14 :14 -16