Warning! Warning! Warning !

When the disciples of Jesus asked him, "What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of age?" (Matthew 24:3b), Jesus listed down a number of signs - viz : Wars , Famines, Earthquakes, Persecution,Wickedness. But before he stated all these signs, Jesus stressed on one very important sign of his coming - DECEPTION.

Not just one or two; Many will Deceive Many (Matthew 24:5). This one verse should indeed ring an alarm bell in our heart and soul. Jesus said "Watch out that no one Deceives you" (Matthew 24:4).We should remember that he told this to His believers and not to non-believers.

Do you know?

You can fall for deception too! Hence WATCH OUT!!!

You might say, "How will I fall for deception? I attend a spirit filled church, I pray, I pay the Tithe. How can I be deceived? " . The Bible says that "False Christs and False Prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect - If that were possible" (Mark 13:22). So be on your Guard

Compare the following 15 warning signs (not exhaustive) with your life. Let the Holy Spirit minister to you. If you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that you are in deception, kindly spend time at his feet and reconcile with God and strenthen the relationship that you have with Jesus. Listen to Him alone. He only is worthy.

Warning #1

Are you satisfied by just attending the church, giving offertory, Ministering in Church? Yet, Have you forgotten the Great commandment of Jesus? (1- Love your God 2- Love your neighbour. ) A religious Christian who merely observes Rituals is in great danger compared to a sinner who is struggling with the guilt of his sins. A sinner knows his sins.He can be broken easily. But anyone who is satisfied with Christianity (not in Christ) is caught in a deceptive web of self righteousness.

Be careful! Our foundation should be on the solid Rock of Christ and it should not be on the Fragile sand of Religious Christianity. God doesn't expect us to perform rituals. He first expects us to Love him and our neighbours.

Matthew 22:36-40

Warning #2

Is your hatred against sin and your passion towards holiness growing day by day?Is your alone time with God fruitful?

If the answer is No, it is a clear indication that your fellowship with God is weak. You are searching for your spiritual food not from the Lord.

Luke 12:34; Proverbs 27:7

Warning #3

Are you so busy that you are not able to spend time reading and meditating on the word of God.If you fall under this category, Beware! You can very easily fall for deception.

Prophet Isaiah warns us that we would not have the light of dawn if we do not listen and speak according to his word ( Isa 8:20)

Isaiah 8 :20, Psalm 119:165, Hosea 4:6

Warning #4

If you are not able to pray for anyone other than the Pastor of your church and If you are not in a position to love or acknowledge other ministers of God and If you are taught only to pray for your church and not for any other church

Beware! You are under Great Deception

I John 4:20, 1 Cor 12: 5-27, 1 Cor 1:10-13,

Warning #5
Do you give more importance to argue on Doctrinal issues rather than submitting yourself at the feet of the Lord everyday to look into your own heart?

Danger Sign ! The Bible calls this as a spiritual disease 

Timothy 6:4, Titus 3:9; I Cor 11:16

Warning #6
You don't have control over your eyes and your tongue?

Beware! You need to be admitted in the Spiritual Intensive care Unit of God

Matthew 6:22, 23 Jacob 3:5-12,

Warning #7 (More Applicable to Indians)
Do you have a sense of Caste (Racist) system?

If the answer is Yes, before analysing whether your are deceived, check whether you are actually Saved.

Because if you believe in caste system you are still caught in the "Hindutva Varnasrama Concept" trap which segregates human beings under caste divisions like Brahmin, Shathriya, Vaishnavite, Sutra and caste names like Nadar, Vanniyar, Dhevar, Pallar, Parayar. You have no respect for The Holy Bible. Who created you? Jehovah or Brahma? Decide today.

Galatians 3:28

Warning #8
Instead of tasting the word of God by reading and meditating the Bible, do you have a tendency to depend on the sermon of preachers? or Do you sit blindly in the pews and accept anything and everything that is being preached from the pulpit?


It is very important to cross check the sermon with the word of God like the Bereans who crosschecked the teachings of Paul with the scriptures. Because of their discernment capabilities, the Bereans were even called as more Noble minded than the Thessolanians. Be on your guard or else anyone can deceive you

Acts 17:11, Matthew7:15, I Thess 5:21

Warning #9

Instead of searching for the Holy Spirit's presence in Internal Transformation in the form Testimonial Life and in the Depiction of Fruit of the spirit , do you search for The Holy Spirit's presence in external manifestations and in the Bodily Experiences?


The Holy Spirit is not freely given for entertainment. He has come inside us to enable us to lead a dedicated life for Him and to be witnesses for him.

 Acts 1:8

Warning #10

Is earthly Prosperity Blessings  taught more than Eternal Blessings in the church in which you are a part of? Is The Sermon in the mount not preached much in your church?


You are under deception. Before the Grace of God is revoked and darkness captivates us, may you and your church enter through the narrow gate. Be quick!

Phil 3:19, I Cor 15:19

Warning #11

I am a wanderer in this world; My eternal Home is heaven ! Do you long for the coming of Jesus everyday? If the answer is No


Satan is deceiving you to separate you from our eternal father and our eternal home in heaven.

Hebrew 13:14, II Peter 3:12, 2 Cor 5:1-6

Warning #12

Instead of  giving to the poor, needy, people with hunger, destitutes; do you give your money to the Institution called Church or to a Pastor with the Hope that God will bless you abundantly because you gave to the church?


You are deceived by false teaching. You are deceived because of your love for money. Read the New Testament to understand more on  how to Give

Galatians 2:10, Proverbs 19:17, James 1:27

Warning #13

You have a good reputation in your church, but you don't have a good Testimony in your own House. If this is your lifestyle you are a spiritual hypocrite. God hates this habit in us. Don't wait to change. Now is the time for you to repent. Yes! NOW

Acts 1:8; I Tim 5:8;

Warning #14

Do you find it difficult to give the same importance to a poor believer that you give to a Rich Believer?

If the answer is Yes, you are not following christ; you are following a fruitless dry religion. My dear Beloved, This kind of behavior is abomination in the sight of God

James 2:1-9

Warning #15

What is your identity in Christ ? What are your talents? What are the gifts that are given to you under the new covenent? What is the difference between us and the Old Testament Believers? Do we have a clear understanding of all these?

The Apostle Paul  prays earnestly for us to have a clear understanding on all the above points. (Ephesians chapter 1). This is our primary need.


If we do not understand these, instead of becoming children of God, we would live our life as mere devotees of God.

We are not giving importance to important things.
We are eagerly listening to vain-sermons.

The only way that we have to escape from this mess is to read and meditate the epistles of the Apostles with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:16-19



This article is written not with an intention to hurt you. I have warned you with the Love of Christ so that you would not perish in eternity.

 Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend

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