Jesus was one of the worst Marketing guys who ever walked on planet earth.
You might ask "Why do you say so?"
I have my reasons for making that statement. The reasons are given below.
Jesus never utilized an opportunity to promote himself
- Once Jesus was walking in the city. He saw a man with leprosy. Jesus just touched him and he was instantly healed. Jesus ordered him not to tell anyone; instead asked him to go and show himself to the high priest. (Luke 5:12-14)
- Once a small girl died. Jesus went to her house and brought her back to life. He said " Go and tell no one".(Luke 8 :52-56)
- Once Jesus went into a house and many blind men came to him. He touched them and they all got sight. Jesus said to them "See here, Let no one know about this". (Matthew 9:28-30)
- Once Jesus healed a deaf and dumb man. He told the people not to tell anyone about the miracle. (Mark 7:33-36)
We see in Jesus's earthly ministry that he was telling people not to testify about physical healing. Jesus could have indeed asked his disciples to make big banners and wall paintings about his wonderful miracle ministry. He could have made it really big.
Jesus could have preached sermons on how he healed people; but sadly he did not even preach a single sermon on healing and miracles. Instead of preaching how to heal people, he demonstrated it. He could have atleast written some scrolls on topics like "Seven ways to heal yourself" , " Five points for successful living", "How to be healthy, wealthy and happy", "purpose driven Christianity" etc... His writings would have sold out for greater amount of money. He could have sold these scrolls to different parts of the globe through his disciples. But he did not do that. This is because he had a poor business model and hence failed to promote his ministry for business.
His business model was bad

He could have made a world Tour

His PR approach was pathetic

Jesus always expects us to hide behind the cross and do His ministry. John the baptist made this amazing statement "He must increase and I must decrease". But today preachers have this statement "He must increase and I must also increase along with him".
Jesus was poor in delivering quantified results
Those who advertise their ministry by telling that 45 million people have tasted the lord through their ministry can teach Jesus a lesson on how to market themselves. Jesus would have reached thousands of people too. If only Jesus had learnt this trick from the present day ministers, he would have constantly said that he brought 2000 people in Galilee, 1500 in Capernaum, 2000 in Nazareth and so on. Such numbers would have been recorded in the bible and we could have boasted about it. But we just have a couple of instances of 3000 and 5000 odd people being included to church and that too as a result of Pentecost. Instead of 3000 people, Luke should have recorded it as 3 million. That number sounds really huge.
Jesus had the capacity to earn money through his preachings. He could have made entry tickets for his crusades and an offertory collection in his healing crusades would have made him a multi millionaire. But instead of passing baskets to collect money, he passed the baskets to distribute bread and fish to people who came to one of his public preaching.
On another occasion he went into the temple and drove away the money changers who were using God's name to earn money. This was really bad behavior on Jesus's part. If he was not smart enough to earn money, why did he have to poke his nose in the business of others who were cheating and earning money? I am happy that Jesus is not roaming around in our churches and christian books stores today. He would have behaved like a maniac in all these places.
Jesus did not even know how to evade taxes. If he had taken a lesson or two from the present day preachers, he would have learnt how to convert black money to white money.
Jesus did not know how to make money.
Jesus had the capacity to earn money through his preachings. He could have made entry tickets for his crusades and an offertory collection in his healing crusades would have made him a multi millionaire. But instead of passing baskets to collect money, he passed the baskets to distribute bread and fish to people who came to one of his public preaching.
On another occasion he went into the temple and drove away the money changers who were using God's name to earn money. This was really bad behavior on Jesus's part. If he was not smart enough to earn money, why did he have to poke his nose in the business of others who were cheating and earning money? I am happy that Jesus is not roaming around in our churches and christian books stores today. He would have behaved like a maniac in all these places.
Jesus did not even know how to evade taxes. If he had taken a lesson or two from the present day preachers, he would have learnt how to convert black money to white money.
From the above points it is very clear that Jesus was a very bad marketer who did not even know how to project himself well. If only he was with us in flesh and blood, he could have been subjected to an intense training session on how to be a great business man with wonderful marketing strategies.
[Those who understood the concept of this article, do ponder over this article and give a thought on what you learnt from this. Others can ignore this]
Shielded in God's love
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