Judge not... Before the Appointed Time

How many times have we jumped to conclusions. When we look at a person, we tend to draw a picture of the person in our mind and there are occasions when we label a person as a worthless creature even before the person could have a say.

When Landau Eugene auditioned for a competition to showcase his talent, the judges mocked at him. His social status and the way he carried himself made the judges to think that he was a nutcase. But the moment he opened his mouth to sing, he silenced the judges with his voice.

In today's world, everybody are taught to carry themselves very well. In most of etiquette training sessions, the trainer always forces the trainees not to be themselves; but to be someone whom others will accept. Everyone are taught to throw attitude. But in the attitude era, there are still simple creatures who come to the stage without any glamour and they just take the world by storm. Asif Ali is one such person. The judges sarcastically took him for a ride by insulting him for his mannerisms. This guy knocked them when he started to sing.

Similarly we would have seen the story of Susan Boyle and Kevin Skinner too. In the Bible we see a story about a man who was not good looking and he did not have the talent to speak well and everyone who listened to him mocked at his inability to convince them with his speech. But He had a secret weapon and that is his writing skills. God used this man to write 13 books in the bible. His name is Paul. We read in 2 Cor 10:10 about what people thought about him.

"His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing."

The lessons we learn from this article is this
1) Never judge a book by its cover
2) Judge not before the appointed time.
3) Never jump into conclusions.

When you see someone who doesn't carry himself well, please  don't underestimate the person. Encourage him and try to bring the best out of him. Our sarcastic insults can kill the greatest talents around us.

The only thing that one has to do behind a back of a person is "Pat his back"

-Shielded in God's Love