Ten Disturbing Questions for Christians

Originally written in Tamil by Brother Vijay.  (http://vijay76.wordpress.com/

 We Chrstians call ourselves Believers and address the Non-Christians as Non-Believers.But, Are we really followers of Christ? When I tried to search the answer for this question, I ended up having Ten more disturbing questions in my mind.

1. Non Chrstians make pilgrimmages with the hope of receiving Blessings from their god. Christians criticize this act of Non-Believers. But the same Chrstians run behind spiritual meetings to receive God's blessings. Jesus said,  “My food is to do the will of my Father". Aren't we supposed to follow the same thing too? When Jesus did the will of God, he lacked nothing. God's will for us is not to make us beggars.Have we forgotten Matthew 6:33 ?"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

2.We criticize the fans and fan clubs of Movie stars. But Why have we made the Servants of God as our idols? We say that  Mary is not the mediator between us and God; but Why have we made the Pastors as our mediators? If Pastors are the disciples, Who are we ?

3.We probe to discern the miracle claims of a sage of another religion. We also discover that those miracles claims are not true but just a Trickery work performed in a precise manner. But when Christian preachers perform miracles on stage by "Name-calling", "Slaying", why are we believing them blindly? Aren't we supposed to test every Spirit? Aren't we supposed to discern the motive behind all the drama-acts that go on stage?

4.We tease the Non-believers when they trust their sun signs. But Why do we fall for the "Promise verse" -lucky draw game that is conducted in every churches? You mock and tease your non-believer friend when he puts his trust on the horoscopic fate of his sun sign, Do you at least remember the promise verse that you got at the beginning of this year? Did it come True in you life? Why this Hypocrisy?

5.You boldly say to others, "Jesus gives everlasting Peace in your life"; but still why are you praying for personal peace? If you do not have peace in your own life, How can you proclaim the peace of Christ to others, when you yourself have not experienced it in your life. I am not saying that a believer would not have peace. But I am reinstating the fact that unless we are crucified with Christ, we can never have the peace offered by Christ.

6.We strongly oppose Idol worship. But we have many idols in our life. Jesus did not compare himself with any other god.But he mentioned the name of his enemy -"Mammon" (Money/Worldly Lust). We can pray for our needs. But if we search for Jesus only for material blessings and Earthly Prosperity, we are idol worshippers too.

7.Some believers say that entertainment (Movies, Television) is satanic. But still, the very same believers encourage the so called satanic entertainment in their worship time and in churches. Many of the Christian music albums that are released in Christendom and many of the Christian TV shows like " The next Christian Idol, The worship leader Hunt, Dial the Christian song you like" are copied from the world system.

8.If AC/DC performs on stage amidst Laser, smoke, light effects with some female backup dancers, we call it worldly. But when a Christian worship leader adorns the same stage with the same Laser,smoke,light effects accompanied by some female backup dancers we call that an "anointed worship" session. Millions are spent for such stage shows. At the same time thousands of missionaries and their kids are still going to bed with hungry stomachs. Would we have peace when we show our accounts to our Lord almighty on judgment day? We justify our acts by saying that youngsters would come for our programs only when we have extravagant stage shows like this. Did Paul, Peter, Baranabas,James and John attract youngsters like this? They hadth Holy spirit in them and that Holy spirit attracted others.

9.If Horseracing and casinos are seen as areas where betting is involved, What should we call it, when Christians "Plant Seed" (Offer Money) in a particular ministry hoping or financial prosperity? Can we cal that "Spiritual prosperity"? Jesus reminds us to help the poor without expecting anything in return. But Aren't we involving ourselves in betting if we expect financial returns for planting seed in some ministry?

10.When a Preacher or a Sage of another religion falls for a public sin, we talk about his downfall with everyone. But when our favorite Christian preacher commits a crime, why are we trying to hide it by downplaying it?

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